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Guide Preview: Covid-19 in Bali

Tropical Bali is recovering from the problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks to a significant drop in cases and successful widespread vaccination, the Indonesian government has lifted most of the restrictions that were put in place to limit the spread of the virus. Visitors and residents can again fully experience the unique culture and beauty of the island. Bali is coming back to life and is welcoming back tourists from all over the world. In this Guide, you will learn about the current situation with Covid-19 in Bali and the measures being taken to ensure the safety of everyone on the island.

No Swimming Flag at the Balinese Beach

Our Guide is divided into the following sections:

Covid-19 Situation in Bali

This section will tell you about the current Covid-19 situation in Bali and how the public and doctors approach Covid-19. It will also uncover how you are treated if you accidentally get Covid-19 in Bali.

Current Covid-19 Measures

Here you will learn the current Covid-19 measures in place and how it influences everyday life. You will also discover any Covid-19 related regulations or restrictions when entering Indonesia (Bali) and if it is possible to travel to nearby islands with no issues.

If you are interested in the content of this Guide, you can read it in full here: Covid-19 Guide

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