For Kids
In Bali, children are the center of attention for locals, not just in restaurants and streets but also because of religious ceremonies. Blessings and purification rituals are part of every Hindu family in Bali. These are performed on children from before birth until adulthood.
Magedong-gedongan Ceremony
The Magedong-gedonan ritual is performed on the unborn child. The ceremony blesses the child and protects it from supernatural phenomena and evil. It is intended to ensure a healthy baby, a birth without complications, and that the child grows up to be a good, intelligent, respectful, and honest person. The mother must not do evil and speak rudely or foul language during pregnancy, which could adversely affect the child's character.
Ceremonies for newborns
Once the child is born, a ceremony is performed where the placenta, considered the child's sibling, is washed and placed in a coconut, and mantras are recited. The placenta is then buried near the house, and pandanus leaves are placed beside it as protection against black magic. This ceremony has several versions. For example, some plant the placenta at the roots of a potted tree, while others return it to nature by throwing it into the ocean.
Kepus Pungsed Ceremony
This ceremony is performed when the newborn's umbilical cord falls off. It is placed in a pouch of coconut leaves (Tipat Taluh) or a silver pendant and symbolically hung around the baby's neck for good luck and protection. The Balinese believe that the dry umbilical cord has healing powers.
Ngerorasin/Bajang Colong ceremony
The ceremony is performed when the child is 12 days old. It is intended to cleanse the child's soul of any negative influence the mother may have transferred to it through her womb. This day, the child is also given its name according to the Balinese name system. For more information, see the Balinese Names Guide.
Tutug Kambuhan Ceremony
This ceremony, performed at 42 days of the age of the newborn, cleanses the baby and mother from impure things. Thanks to this ritual, the mother and child can enter sacred places, such as the inner parts of temples.
Nyambutin ceremony
The Nyambutin ceremony is performed once the baby reaches three months of age. The ceremony asks the god to unite the child's soul with his body. Until this time, the child must not touch the ground. During the ceremony, the parents adorn the child with jewelry such as earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. Thus adorned, the child can touch the ground for the first time. Neighbors, relatives, and community members usually attend the ceremony.
Ngotonin (Otonan) Ceremony
At 1 year (210 days) of child's age, according to the Balinese Pawukon calendar, the next ceremony follows. During the Ngotonin ceremony, the baby's hair is cut. The Balinese believe that a child's first hair is impure and the shorn child will please the god better by being cleansed of the sins of the past life and will live a better life this reincarnation than the previous one.
Ngraja Swala Ceremony
The Ngraja Swala ceremony is performed at the puberty of children, at the first girl's menstruation, and with the boy's change of voice. It is a purification from anything impure and a blessing. It also announces to the neighbors and the community that a new young woman or man exists.
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