Makepung is the local name for the buffalo races primarily held in the Jembrana area around Negara village. The races originated as a celebration of the end of the rice harvest, with local farmers racing each other just for fun in the rice fields. After popularization in around 1930, racing began on hard ground.
The races are very prestigious in the area, and only the nicest and best-built buffaloes, Kerbau Pepadu, can participate. They are decorated with colorful crowns and horns painted in color, and even their outfits are decorated with ornamental fabrics and bows. A pair of buffaloes pulls a cart with a jockey who drives them with a whip and a special stick with small nails attached to the end. The jockeys can also assist themselves by twisting the buffalo's tails.
Preparatory smaller races are held from July for several months at seven race tracks around Negara. These culminate in November's two major tournaments, the Governors and Regent Cup. Participants are judged by their speed, which reaches up to 60 km/h, and their overall style and decorating with paint. The winning buffaloes are then used for breeding and can reach up to twice their market value.
Currently, the regional council is trying to include Makepung among Indonesia's cultural and national monuments.
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