The Metatah or Mepandes ceremony is performed on reaching adulthood. However, the age, in this case, is flexible and can be performed from about 14 to 25 years.
During the ceremony, the young person's upper six teeth, including the canines, are filed down. The Balinese believe this eliminates the six evil qualities in the body that cause conflict. These qualities are greed, rudeness, anger, lying, need for praise, and gossiping. It is also believed that canines are the reason for animal instincts in humans, and they are to be eliminated by filing them. Once the ceremony is performed, girls and boys are considered full-fledged women and men and can marry or have children.
Interestingly, the parents should carry the child at the ceremony, as it is not allowed to touch the ground. However, this is often no longer possible due to the parents' age and the children's weight, so families solve this by having the children wear socks to the ceremony. Technically, they do not touch the ground.
Other names: Mepandes, Mesangih, Potong gigi
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